The Cambridge Linear B Research Archive is the on-line presence of the Mycenaean Epigraphy Group at the Faculty of Classics in the University of Cambridge.


These photographs were taken by Emile Seraphis in 1969 and therefore many tablets which are now joined appear either as separate fragments on the same plate, or in separate photographs; these joins are indicated in the database with links to other associated photographs. Information on joins post-dating the publication of PTT may be found in the publications of J.L. Melena in the journal Minos (see references below). Scribal attributions are based on Scribes Pylos unless otherwise stated; other notes on the tablets (e.g. indications of palimpsests) are based on PTT and/or PoN4.

All entries have been checked as far as possible but some errors may remain; the Mycenaean Epigraphy Group would be grateful to have any errors or omissions brought to their attention (see Contact page).


AJA 62 = Lang, M. (1958), 'The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1957', American Journal of Archaeology 62, 181-91

AJA 64 = Blegen, C.W., & Lang, M. (1960), 'The Palace of Nestor Excavations of 1959', American Journal of Archaeology 64:2, 153-64

JHS 96 = Killen, J.T., (1976), 'Bennett, E.L. and Olivier, J.-P., The Pylos Tablets Transcribed. 1. Texts and notes. (Incunabula Graeca, 51.) Rome: Ed. dell'Ateneo (for Instituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici). 1973.', Journal of Hellenic Studies 96, 259-60

Minos 27-28a = Melena, J.L. (1992-1993a), '167 Joins of Fragments in the Linear B Tablets from Pylos', Minos 27-28, 71-82

Minos 27-28b = Melena, J.L. (1992-1993b), '244 Joins and Quasi-joins of Fragments in the Linear B Tablets from Pylos', Minos 27-28, 307-24

Minos 29-30 = Melena, J.L. (1994-1995), '133 Joins and Quasi-joins of Fragments in the Linear B Tablets from Pylos', Minos 29-30, 271-88

Minos 35-36 = Melena, J.L. (2000-2001), '63 Joins and Quasi-joins of Fragments in the Linear B Tablets from Pylos', Minos 35-36, 371-84

OOT = Bennett, E.L. (1958), The Olive Oil Tablets of Pylos. Texts of Inscriptions Found, 1955, Suplementos a Minos 2 (Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca)

Photograph index = paper index kept with photographs in the Mycenaean Epigraphy Room, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge

PoN4 = Bennett, E.L., Melena, J.L., Olivier, J.-P., Palaima, T.G. et al. (2013 [unpublished]), The Palace of Nestor at Pylos in Western Messenia, vol.IV: The Inscribed Documents (Texas University Press for the University of Cincinnati),

PT II = Bennett, E.L. (1955), The Pylos Tablets: Texts of the Inscriptions Found 1939-1954 (Princeton: Princeton University Press for University of Cincinnati)

PTT Bennett, E.L., & Olivier, J.-P. (1973), The Pylos Tablets Transcribed, Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici: Incunabula Graeca LI & LIX (Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo)

Scribes Pylos = Palaima, T.G. (1988), The Scribes of Pylos, Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici: Incunabula Graeca LXXXVII (Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo)

How to cite CaLiBRA
Judson, A. P., Meißner, T., and Thompson, R. J. E., CaLiBRA — Cambridge Linear B Research Archive, University of Cambridge 2015. Accessed 13 March 2025.


Cincinnati Pylos Photographs
© University of Cincinnati.

Digitisation by Anna P. Judson,
Mycenaean Epigraphy Group,
Faculty of Classics,

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